What Happened?
Well, I realized today that I haven't updated Shawed in over a month now. There are many reasons for this including, but not limited to, the holiday season. Basically, I've been having some major writing block. Each time I try to pen an epic or witty post for this sucker I get stuck before the first sentence is over. Usually I write about things that bother or amuse me. With my creative muse H8FUELED out of commission and a plethera of things bothering and amusing me that it wouldn't be appropriate to write about, I have let this precious blog fall into stagnation.No fear folks! I have been amassing a collection of tidbits that may prove very entertaining in the next few weeks. First, I need to meet some deadlines so I can continue to pay bills. Yeah, I tricked you. This post is more of a "coming soon" than a "it's finally here" post. I just didn't want any loyal readers (all 3 of you) to think that Shawed had met its demise. In the spirit of making you click and wait anxiously, I will reveal a tidbit for a blog in the works:
I've located a person who must be Christian Slater's offspring in the most unlikely of places - movies and TV. Many people mistake this person as a separate entity, but I have a feeling they are of the same bloodline.
Until next time...
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