Plugging Away
Well, since I am not a repository for fact files on every subject in the world (contrary to Pregremlin's belief), I thought it was time to list some places I get inspiration or entertainment while I'm online.- The Cheap Student - this is run by my friend MT (who you may remember from such comments as most of the ones on ND) from OU, and he has a plethora of knowledge aimed at helping students. This is an ongoing effort as he makes his way through the maze of grad school. He's probably already saved my semester by linking to a bibliography generator as I face the evil foe MLA documentation style once again at my university that supposedly prefers and mandates my old friend APA. Currently the site is temporarily under construction, but it should be back up within the next couple of days.
- Pop Culture Panopticon - this is run by my friend TD, and I am lucky enough to be an irregular contributor (I take full responsibility for my lack of posts there). A lot of my posts are syndications of this blog, but occasionally I make some that are only PCP relevant. TD and TS over there do a great job of expanding horizons through recommendations, reviews, stories and rants.
The rest of my places of note can be found in the ND links section, and I also post noteworthy articles from Google Reader in the Google Reader section. Usually the GR articles relate to emerging technology, various fandoms, health and science. All sure cures for internet boredom.
So take a minute and visit my pals' blogs and check out what I think everyone should be aware of. You might learn something, or just kill some time.
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